Source Your Electronic Parts

Streamline purchasing for small projects

thresher shark

Faster Procurement

Purchasing electronic parts can be time consuming

Too often, purchasing processes require huge amounts of repetitive decision making

The goal of Thresher EMS is to reduce this, particularly for small projects

Frequently Asked Questions

Click "Launch the App" above to enter components for a new project. Components on a project can be added, edited or deleted as needed.

Steve Braaksma spent a number of years in supply chain in contract electronics manufacturing, and saw a need for an app that can more quickly streamline purchasing for small projects (still under development).

No, the functionality to automatically price the components (and automatically bump up to the next price break) is still in development.


Currently a one person project!

Steve Braaksma

As a full stack software engineer with a background in electronics manufacturing, I am eager to use my analytical strengths with a new set of tools to solve complex business challenges.